In Brief
Jyoti Automation Ltd. participated in IMTEX 2017 with the largest pavilion stall to showcase their products. This was a critical assignment for us to display our skills as a 360 degree agency catering to multiple marketing needs of our client. A challenge to design 14,000+ sq feet of exhibition stall in competition with global and local participant stall designs. The event is integral to display strength and skill in the industry. It was integral for us to communicate Jyoti Automation Ltd. industry leadership, product innovations, and capability to engage in new business opportunities. The stall design, aesthetic value, colors supported by a teaser VDO, magazine advertisement, and digital marketing efforts all combined drew large crowds and appreciation for Jyoti Automation Ltd.

Make In India, Make for the World
Jyoti CNC Automation Ltd. is an industry leader in manufacturing of CNC machines. A company that is the first to manufacture Indian CNC multitasking machines and promote the “Make In India’ movement, the first to launch a mobile app, to hold the largest exhibition pavilion at the IMTEX 2017, and create significant change for the Indian manufacturing industry. IMTEX 2017 was their opportunity to showcase their strength and leadership with product innovations and capability to expand to larger markets.

- Giant yet graspful
- 14000 sq.ft with complete visual unification